Star Trek U.S.S. Frontier - Meshweaver

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There are some sites on the Web that provide truly excellent schematic views of fan designed ships for Sci-Fi shows - I found such a site that had some excellent schematics for Trek Ships - I decided to have a go at this design first and set about it. It took approximately 80 hours to complete the mesh. The mesh was constructed way back in the year 2000 using LW version 5.6
Spline caging and spline patching was the main method employed for the main sections of the mesh as well as the other primitive tools available through modeler. Then a hiatus ensued for this mesh - I returned to it about 2 months later and created and applied the textures within a 2 week period in my spare time. I was quite pleased with the result - although obviously If I were to construct it again now there are some areas I would again add more detail.
It is a very detailed mesh by fan standards - every single window for instance is recessed into the hull surface it resides on.
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